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Oxamed 10mg By Knoll

Oxamed 10mg By Knoll
Oxamed 10mg By Knoll
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  • Brand: Knoll
  • Reward Points: 80
  • Model: KN018
Price in reward points: 800
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Oxandrolone 10mg is an anabolic androgenic steroid with a predominance of anabolic properties. This oral preparation can be found in the offer, among others DNA Laboratory. A bit of history: the famous Oxa was initially used in the treatment of osteoporosis in women, it also acted as a growth stimulator in children. The preparation is currently used in cases of: HIV, severe injuries, complicated surgical procedures, burns, chronic infectious diseases, and also after chemotherapy.

The wide medical use results from the fact that Oxandrolone effectively protects against the loss of lean mass. It is also difficult to ignore its possibilities in the growth process, because Oxa does not close the epiphyses. Due to its properties, Oxandrolone found its way into bodybuilding quite quickly. In the early 1970s, the production of Oxandrolone was initiated by Searle & Co. (now the Pfizer concern). Currently, the agent is on the market under different names and in different concentrations, depending on the manufacturer.

Oxandrolone is one of the "safer" and milder steroids, and that's because it is more anabolic than androgenic in nature. This DHT derivative does not work in cycles aimed at building muscle mass. Oxa, on the other hand, has a positive effect on the increase in strength, and thus endurance. Its special feature is that it stimulates the process of phosphocreatine synthesis in muscle cells. Such action of Oxandrolone accelerates the renewal and increase of ATP.

Adenosine-5′-triphosphate is an organic chemical compound, it is used by numerous enzymes, and the energy stored in it is used to carry out various processes, including cell movement and division. Every day, a person converts the amount of ATP that is comparable to his body weight. It is certain that Oxandrolone promotes significant gains in strength. This anabolic also accelerates protein synthesis, and since it is the main building block of muscles, this function of Ox is difficult to underestimate. It is a mild steroid preparation, so in typical mass cycles (as it has already been said) it is rather not widely used, because it simply cannot meet the users' expectations. This does not mean that it is completely absent in mass cycles. It appears, but in a larger stack, a steroid stack.

People whose goal is to build muscle mass combine it with injectable testosterone or oral Metanabol, i.e. typical anabolics. Such a combination guarantees an increase in strength, guarantees the high quality of the muscles being built. Oxandrolone's main role is to help with definition and strength work, especially for people looking to avoid retention (water build-up). In these cycles, Oxa appears in the company of agents like Winstrol or Trenbolone.

Oxandrolone is an oral steroid, i.e. its structure includes the 17aa group, potentially harmful to the liver. The hepatotoxicity of Oxandrolone is certainly not as high as in the case of Metanabol or Anadrol. Users rarely report liver problems. Certainly, this steroid adversely affects the ratio of HDL to LDL (good to bad cholesterol), which is not without consequences for health.

Average daily doses of Oxandrolone range from 20 mg to 50 mg. The portions are usually divided into two or three smaller doses. A standard cycle with this agent should not exceed 8 weeks. Low doses do not stop endogenous testosterone production. Unblocking is indicated only for very high doses of the preparation.

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