Platinum Biotech
Buy Platinum Biotech brand online
Brand: Platinum Biotech
Caberlin Tablets (Cabergoline) - Product InformationCaberlin tablets are a dopaminergic medication which contains Cabergoline as the active ingredient. Caberlin tablets basically function as dopamine receptor agonist to reduce the amount of the female hormone called prolactin, which is secreted by t..
Brand: Platinum Biotech
Ingredient: Letrozole 2.5mgIndications:Letra 2.5 is indicated in treatment of breastcancer in postmenopausal women who havereceived 5 years of adjuvant tamoxifen therapyor as initial treatment of hormone receptorpositive or hormone receptor unknown locallyadvanced or metastatic breast..
Brand: Platinum Biotech
Ingredient: Methlytrienolone 1mgPresentation:Each bottle contains 30 tablets of 1mg
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Brand: Platinum Biotech
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Modafinil 200 mg [50 Tabs, Platinum Biotech]Modafinil. It’s a household name in the nootropic community, a..
Brand: Platinum Biotech
Primobolan 100 by Platinum BioIngredient:Methenolone Enanthate 100mgIndications:Primobolan 100 is indicated for treatment ofaplastic anaemia which are or may beresponsive to anabolic androgens, cachexiaand replacement therapy for males withandrogenic deficiencies.Presentation:
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Brand: Platinum Biotech
Provinon 25 by Platinum BioIngredient: Mesterolone 25mgIndications:Provinon is indicated for treatment ofoligospermia in subfertile patients as well asmale patients suffering from gynecomastia.Presentation:Each bottle contains 100 tablets of 25mgper tablet...
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